0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: UK guy looking to do a UK solo tour, first ever solo trip so just looking for advice. Intending to do york > edinburgh > lake district (maybe staying at skipton) > maybe one other place. Any suggestions for anywhere to visit, either as the fourth place, or what to do in each place is appreciated UK guy looking to do a UK solo tour, first ever solo trip so just looking for advice. Intending to do york > edinburgh > lake district (maybe staying at skipton) > maybe one other place. Any suggestions for anywhere to visit, either as the fourth place, or what to do in each place is appreciated - Bangladesh

UK guy looking to do a UK solo tour, first ever solo trip so just looking for advice. Intending to do york > edinburgh > lake district (maybe staying at skipton) > maybe one other place. Any suggestions for anywhere to visit, either as the fourth place, or what to do in each place is appreciated

I've always gone on holidays with family, so its not been a fuss, I've thrown a few suggestions as to where to go during the day in, someone else picks and off we trot.

Decided to solo travel, I have a week off in march, though I'm considering moving more time off to that week and making it from saturday > wednesday week and either adding another place in, or just adding a day into each stop.

What I'm looking for is any advice honestly, budgeting (I'm hoping I can stay in a decent hotel/inn type place in each stopover) have a small lunch then a larger meal at a pub or restaurant, going for hotels that have breakfast included. Then the day will just be exploring. Any suggestions for things to see in each place would be lovely. As for the fourth suggestion, don't really mind where, I live in the midlands, about 45 minutes east of birmingham and I'm doing a sort of loop around so far, so as long as its not a huge distance away from my current plan I'd certainly consider adding it into my trip.

Also any budgeting (I'm thinking 150 for fuel as a generous estimate, then 30/40 for food a day, 100 maybe for a hotel a night and then a bit of spending money and other expenses as I travel. Anyone with any insight into really anything related to any of this, please feel free to comment, I've lived in UK all my life, but I've not seen much of it, but the lack of people with me is kinda nerve wracking, despite being from here.

Edit - I do have ideas of my own, there's a small list of places in each area that I'd like to go to but it will give more weighting to certain places if others have been there and can confirm that it's good. I'm not sure if the post breaks the rules, as although its asking for advice on solo travel, its part asking for advice on where to go too, so if needs be I can resubmit it just focused on the solotravel/budget tips instead

Submitted December 16, 2017 at 01:30AM by GarethGore http://ift.tt/2j4ayhE

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